Student Success Champion Award
The Student Success Champion Award recognizes exceptional faculty, staff, and a team or department whose work contributes to the University's mission of enhancing student success.
Nominate a Student Success Champion
This award will celebrate individuals who exemplify the goals and priorities outlined in the Academic Master Plan and promote student success. Award recipients demonstrate outstanding commitment to transforming the student experience in ways that prioritize belonging, well-being, and overall success.
Submit a nomination by Friday, February 7.
Nomination Eligibility and Criteria
• All full-time and part-time faculty or staff members at Rutgers University—New Brunswick who support student success through their role are eligible for this award.
• Any department, office or team within Rutgers University—New Brunswick that has collectively made a significant impact on student success are eligible for this award.
- Nominations can be submitted by peers, supervisors, or students. Both awards allow for self-nominations.
- Nominators will choose one or more of the following contributions and then be asked to expand on the contribution in depth.
Individual Awards:
- Demonstrated dedication to creating an inclusive and supportive environment that promotes student belonging and success.
- Significant contributions to initiatives that support student well-being and success, including academic advising, mentoring, learning and instruction, counseling, career development, or financial literacy.
- Active involvement in projects that support on-time graduation and reduce student debt.
- Commitment to developing high-impact learning opportunities for students, including organizing workshops, career-readiness programs, and experiential learning experiences.
Team/Office/Department Awards:
- The team or department demonstrates collaborative efforts to support the University's goals of creating an equitable and inclusive student experience.
- Programs or services developed by the team have made substantial improvements in student outcomes, particularly in terms of retention, graduation rates, reducing student debt, and post-graduation success.
- Contributions to expanding high-impact learning opportunities that enhance students' academic and professional readiness.
- A clear commitment to student success that aligns with the principles of the Academic Master Plan, including initiatives that focus on belonging, well-being, and preparing students for a diverse, global workforce.